Want to know one thing corporate executives and business owners have always known? Business is about networking. It’s vital for building, fostering, and maintaining the types of strong relationships necessary for sustaining and growing a healthy business.

We’ve all heard that it’s often not what you know, but who you know. Simply put, in business the relationship is everything. A great place for establishing that relationship is on the golf course. The saying “more business is done on the golf course than in the boardroom” might be a bit of an exaggeration, but there’s no denying the synergy between business networking and golf. Forming a relationship with potential clients and partners is about creating loyalty, trust, and communication. Those attributes take time to develop. Coincidentally, golf is a long game with a lot of downtime, creating plenty of opportunities for quality conversation and the chance to get to know business colleagues on a personal level.

You don’t even have to be a good golfer to impress people on the course. Whether or not you consistently shoot below 90 on an 18-hole course is not what’s important. Displaying the qualities people value in business– tenacity, confidence, composure, and honesty is most significant.

Be mindful not to rush into talking about business. The last thing you want is to make the rest of your foursome feel like they’re trapped in an episode of Shark Tank – Golf Edition. While you might be especially excited about your lucrative business opportunity, it’s best to wait until the round is winding down to bring it up. Better still, suggest discussing business over lunch, which can be written off. The IRS rules on meals deductions are fairly straightforward. As long as there are substantial business discussions before, during, or after the meal, you can deduct 50%.

Interpersonal relationships matter in life as well in business, and golf is an extremely effective networking tool for promoting those relationships. It gives business leaders a chance to interact with colleagues in a relaxed environment, away from the confines of the office. At Boris Benic and Associates, we see golf as a consistent part of networking, offering us a chance to socialize with other local businesses on a regular basis. Ready for a round? Give us a call at 516-248-7361. We’d love to join you!